State Level Direct Recruitment Driver Posts Exam Date Announced 2022:
In continuation to Advertisement No.SLRC-G-III/Advertisement/2022/1/3, dated 25.03.2022 and subsequent Notice No.SLRC-G-III/Advertisement/2022/ 1/15, dated 18.06.2022, the State Level Recruitment Commission for Class-III Posts notifies the following details regarding written examination for the posts of “Driver”.
Written exam details:
1. There will be a total of 100(hundred) multiple choice questions, carrying 1.5 marks each;
2. There shall be no negative marking;
3. The selection of candidates for inviting them for driving skill test/interview will be in the ratio of 1:2. Candidates scoring identical marks in the written examination will be invited for appearing in the driving skill test/interview irrespective of the ratio mentioned;
4. The Candidates who qualify in the written examination will be called for driving skill test/interview;
5. The detailed SOPs for conduct of written examination for maintaining order and discipline shall be issued separately by the Board of Secondary Education, Assam (SEBA);
6. Candidates are advised to visit the official website “” of Board of Secondary Education, Assam (SEBA) frequently for latest updates.
Official Exam Notification:
Admit Card Download: From first week of September
Official Website: Click here
from AssamJobsNews.Com